Productivity tips for the busy freelancer/parent/creative mind/volunteer (delete as appropriate… or not) I've heard about Bullet Journaling some time ago. I have to admit that at first, I thought that it was not for me. If you’ve never heard of it, here’s a very quick...
English Posts
The translation and reception of multilingualism in films
Yesterday and today I attended the international colloquium held by Montpellier III University about audiovisual translation. The focus was on multilingualism in films. First, Reine Meylaerts delivered a conference about multilingualism, explaining that translation...
Blogathon Wrap-Up
In May, I took up the challenge of posting on my blog each and every day. And today, I can say: I did it! I regret I could not participate in the wrap-up twit-chat on Friday. So here is my own personal wrap-up. What was your favorite part of the blogathon? The...
Wordle Surprise
Today is Blogathon Wordle day! Here is the result for my blog: Funny, as I did not realize I had been talking so much about the Waldgänger e-book series (just 1 post)... Since I'm blogging both in French & English, Wordle could only delete the common words for 1...
5 Blogathon Game/Theme Posts
This week, I've had a rough time following up all the wonderful blogs, so here is a very quick glance at the few I managed to read and enjoy: Marking Milestones in Space - This post by Anne Wainscott-Sargent combines haiku & space travel. Quite inspiring!...
Graphic play on words
This week, I had the immense delight to see the Tim Burton's exhibition at the Cinémathèque française in Paris (the Americans have already seen it at the MoMa & in LA). Here's a little interview to give you an idea of what this is all about. Entretien exclusif...
What if you started blogging today?
Today’s Blogathon theme day suggests us to begin our post with “If I started blogging today, I would...”. I’m not sure talking about me would be that fascinating. But I thought about you, readers. My question is: And what if YOU started blogging today? What could I...
Do you Haiku?
Today is Blogathon Haiku Day. I took this occasion to read a bilingual collection of haiku by Jack Kerouac, which was a great way for me to enjoy reading poetry & thinking about translation at the same time. Here is a video (well mostly audio actually) of...
4 Unexpected Blogs
During this Blogathon, I’m discovering quite a few blogs. I’m mainly interested in language, books and writing, so I’m obviously more sensitive to these, but I also happened to notice some blogs that talked about topics that surprised me. Here is a list of 4...
Crazy Monday
What happened during the guest post exchange? Yesterday, you’ve had the pleasure to read a wonderful post by Lisa Carter about Life as a literary translator. In the meantime, Lisa hosted a post of mine, sharing my firts steps as a literary translator. I’m just quickly...