I mainly blog about translation & literature. So my five inspirational movies obviously revolve around that : translating, literature, writing, books.

Here they are :

La femme aux 5 éléphantsLa femme aux cinq éléphants

In this documentary, we discover Svetlana Geier, the German translator of Dostoïevsky. She has worked (among other titles) on five masterpieces of Dostoïevsky. These are her five elephants. In this film, we discover the slow & precise trade of this literary translator (she works with a musician to hear the sound of her sentences for instance), but we also enter into her destiny, which is intricately related to History (being a Russian native settled in Germany in the 40’s). I especially remember when she talks about the common roots between the words « text » and « textile », and while ironing some linen, she explains that her translation consists of smoothing out the texts, like she does on a textile.


The Name of the RoseThe Name of the Rose

In this epic medieval movie, some monks are translators. You have a huge library, crazy librarians. It’s all about books actually. I really love watching this one again and again. Can’t get enought of it.




ShiningThe Shining


Even though this movie is more about madness & terror, I quite like the character of Jack Nicholson, the writer who seeks his inspiration but is having a real hard time finding it. Sometimes, I feel a bit like him.




Bright StarBright Star

This is the most recent movie I saw about a poet. And I find that poetry is a subject that is not enought seen on the big screen (even in general). This movie was very delicate & touching, like the best of Keats’ poetry.




Ninth GateThe Ninth Gate 

In this movie, what I like the most is the atmosphere, and the whole mood we can discover in the ancient bookshops. I really love movies about old books. (In a totally different style, have you ever seen the series Black Books? I loved it too).



What about you, readers ? Any movie that has a special place in your heart or that you would like to recommend ?

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